Assessments (London Clinic)

Prior to the assessment you will be sent a parent questionnaire and a school questionnaire. We request recent school reports to see if there are specific areas of concern that we might look at in more detail.

Dyslexia Assessment

This assessment is suitable for children who are having difficulties with literacy. A diagnostic assessment will be able to indicate if a child has specific learning difficulties (dyslexia) and will highlight areas of strength to support their learning. The assessment process will include testing general ability, cognitive processing skills and attainment levels. A detailed report will be provided 2-3 weeks after the assessment and will include a discussion of assessment results, diagnostic information, and comprehensive recommendations.

The assessment process takes approximately 3 hours, and we look at the student's underlying ability (verbal and non-verbal), cognitive processing skills (phonological awareness, processing speed and memory) and attainment skills (reading, spelling, writing).

We look at a range of areas so if it is not looking like a dyslexic profile we can identify the main areas of concern.

We cannot diagnose other conditions such as ADHD, ASD, Dyspraxia etc but you we may recommend further investigation if we see certain characteristics of anything else.

Dyscalculia Assessment

This assessment is suitable for children who are having difficulties with numeracy. A diagnostic assessment will be able to indicate if a child has specific learning difficulties (dyscalculia) and will highlight areas of strength to support their learning. The assessment process will include testing general ability, cognitive processing skills and attainment levels. A detailed report will be provided 2-3 weeks after the assessment and will include a discussion of assessment results, diagnostic information, and comprehensive recommendations.

Both assessments are conducted by Level 7 Specialist Teachers.

Speech and Language Assessment

This assessment will include conducting formal assessments, informal observations, discussion and reading of reports from other professionals. The assessment process will include testing of receptive language, expressive language, speech/articulation, social skills, and phonological awareness. A report will be provided two weeks after the assessment and will include a discussion of assessment results and recommendations.

This assessment is conducted by a qualified Speech and Language Therapist.