Tutoring (London Clinic)

1:1 Tutoring

We offer 1:1 literacy and numeracy tutoring with a Level 5 Specialist Teacher or a qualified mainstream teacher.

Targets for tutoring sessions will be determined from assessment results and through discussion with the child and parents. Teaching will be individual and specific to the child's needs and will include work on reading, comprehension, spelling, phonological awareness, writing and maths. Children will learn using fun, multi-sensory teaching methods. Weekly homework will be set to consolidate skills.

Intensive Specialist Teaching

We provide intensive half-day specialist teaching sessions during school hours for students in need of additional support.

We recommend this for pupils that are not accessing the classroom curriculum, whose time would be better spent outside the classroom receiving specialist support.

Choose 3 subjects to focus on in this 3-hour teaching block:

  • Maths

  • Reading & Spelling

  • Written Composition

  • Touch-typing

  • Handwriting

These are group sessions of up to 3 pupils for £200. 1:1 sessions can be arranged upon request.

School Visit

School visits are only made with parental agreement.

A school visit may involve any of the following:

  • Direct therapy

  • Observation of the child

  • Discussion with school staff